Ms. Nancy Sinatra and Mr. Lee Hazelwood look as if they've stepped into a Jean-Luc Godard film. In short, very hip and tres chic. Welcome to Boy Wonder's World. Merci to the cool songwriter/singer dynamic duo.
I Can’t Rest/ FONTELLA BASS (’65)
Real Tru Love/ THE PEPPER POTS (’09, Now)*
About a Fire/ NANCY SINATRA (’04, self titled)
If You Don’t Think/ ANNA KING (’64)
Nothing But a Heartache/ THE FLIRTATIONS (’69)
Money I$ King/ LEE FIELDS & THE EXPRESSIONS (’09, My World)*
I’m Shakin’/ LITTLE WILLIE JOHN (’55)
Thunderbird/ THE CASUAL-AIRES (mid-‘60’s)
Primitive/ THE GROUPIES (’66)
Earthquake Heart/ THE DIRTBOMBS (’03, Dangerous Magical Noise)
Vilaines Filles Mauvais Garcons/ FABIENNE DELSOL (’07, Between You and Me)
Girls in Paris/ LEE HAZELWOOD (’67, w/ Suzi Jane Hokum)
Je Sais Que Tu
Antenna/ SONIC YOUTH (’09, The Eternal)*
One Block Wonder/ CRYPTACIZE (’09, Mythomania)*
Red Sails/ DAVID BOWIE (’79, Lodger)
No Intention/ DIRTY PROJECTORS (’09, Bitte Orca)*
A Minha Menina/ OS MUTANTES (’68, Os Mutantes)
Psychotic Reaction/ THE COUNT FIVE (’66)
Buried Alive/ SNAKE HIPS (’92, 7”)
She Love You (Cockney version)/ PETER SELLERS
Kingpin/ WILCO (’09, Ashes of the American Flags)*
In the Street/ BIG STAR (’72, 7” version)
Exit Flagger/ GUIDED BY VOICES (’92, Propeller)
Flying Lesson (Hot Chicken #1)/ YO LA TENGO (’95, Electr-O-Pura)
Stars/ THE CLEAN (’01, Getaway)
I’m Waiting For My Man/ THE VELVET UNDERGROUND (’67, The Velvet Underground & Nico)
Problems/ THE SEX PISTOLS (’77, Never Mind the Bullocks)
Safe European Home/ THE CLASH (’78, Give ’em Enough Rope)
*new or recent release