In 1955, the young photographer Robert Frank embarked on a criss-cross odyssey of the U.S. The result was one of the great collections/exhibitions in 20th century photography, The Americans, with Jack Kerouac writing the introduction to the original release of the book (of the same name). There will be a re-visiting of these photographs (and hundreds not included in the final collection) at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, from now until Jan. 2010. Check out Anthony Lane's latest article on Frank, his work, The Americans and the new show in the 14 Sept. 09 issue of The New Yorker. Pictured here is a photo from Frank's The Americans, entitled, "Indianapolis."
He’s Really Sayin Something/ THE VELVELLETTES (’65)
Kung Fu Fighting/ CARL DOUGLAS (’73)
A Roller Skating Jam Called, “Saturdays”/ DE LA SOUL (’91, De La Soul is Dead)
Crosseyed and Painless/ TALKING HEADS (’80, Remain in Light)
Lulla/ TINARIWEN (’09, Imidiwan: Companions)*
A Patricia/ LOS DESTELLOS (’07 collection, Roots of Chicha)
Canto de Mambo/ OS MUTANTES ('72, Mutantes e Seus Cometas no Pais do Baurets)
Love is Like an Itching in My Heart/ THE SUPREMES (’66)
Real True Love/ THE PEPPER POTS (’09, Now!)
Baby I Love You/ ERMA FRANKLIN (’68, Super Soul Sister)
Fancy/ BOBBI GENTRY (’70)
I Move Around/ LEE HAZELWOOD (’66)
Silver Wings/ THE KNITTERS (’85, Poor Little Critter on the Road)
How Low/ JOSE GONZALEZ (’07, In Our Nature)
One of These Things First/ NICK DRAKE (’70, Bryter Layter)
Bigmouth Strikes Again/ THE SMITHS (’86, The Queen is Dead)
Henry Lee/ PEGGY SEGAR (’03, Heading For Home)
A Wish Made While Burning Onions Will Come True/ CALIFONE (’09, All of My Friends Are Funeral Singers)*
I’ll Leave the Bottle on the Bar/ MERLE HAGGARD (’68) (by request)
Night Life/ JOHN DOE & THE SADIES (’09, Country Club)*
Something to Say/ THE ACTION (’68, ’02 collection, Rolled Gold)
In the Dreamlife You Need a Rubber Soul/ THE CLEAN (’09, Mr. Pop)*
I Want Candy/ THE STRANGELOVES (’66)
Nitroglycerine/ THE GORIES (’90, I Know You Fine, But How You Doin’)
Kool Thing/ SONIC YOUTH (’90, Goo)
Brothers Are Gonna Work It Out/ PUBLIC ENEMY (’90, Fear of a Black Planet)
*new or recent release