The lovely and talented Nico loves her dogs, the new Nels Cline Singers record, Initiate and the Hot Circles. A trifecta, in some circles, especially this one.
Sonido Amazonico/ LOS MIRIOS (’07, Roots of Chicha)
Kenimania/ MONO MONO (
King Queen/ THE NELS CLINE SINGERS (’10, Inititate)*
Imidiwan Winakalin/ TINARIWEN (’07, Aman Iman)
The Great Curve/ TALKING HEADS (’80, Remain in Light)
Free Nelson Mandela/ SPECIALS AKA (’84)
Augusta, Angelica e Consolacao/ TOM ZE (’70)
Deadweight/ BECK (’97, A Life Less Ordinary st)
The Alibi/LUNA (’02, Close Cover Before Striking ep)
Friction/ TELEVISION (’77, Marquee Moon)
I Am a Tree/ GUIDED BY VOICES (’97, Mag Earwhig)
American Dream (Television)/ JON JAMES & THE TRASHCAN FANTASY DANCEBAND (’03, self titled)
Takin’ Me Back/ CHEAP TRICK (’78, Heaven Tonight)
Back of a Car/ BIG STAR (’73,
Oh Well/ TOM PETTY & THE HEARTBREAKERS (’09, Live Anthology)
Clap Hands (live ’87)/ TOM WAITS (’88, Big Time)
Cool Water, JOHNNY CASH (American VI: Ain't No Grave)*
Cool Water/ THE REPLACEMENTS (’87, Pleased to Meet Me outtake, feat. Chris Mars, lead vocals)
Guilty/ PETE MOLINARI (’09, Today, Tomorrow and Forever)
Cryin’ Over You/ JAMES INTVELD (’95, self titled)
You Must Be Out of Your Mind/ THE MAGNETIC FIELDS (’10, Realism)*
Diana/ BECK RECORD CLUB ('10, from Skip Spence's Orr)*
*new or recent release