Summer Fun/ TAMMAR (’11, Visits)*
Jigsaw Falling Into Place/ RADIOHEAD (’08, In Rainbows)
Howl/ JUNIP (’10, Fields)
Art of Almost/ WILCO (’11, The Whole Love)*
Here to Fall/ YO LA TENGO (’09, Popular Songs)
Melody/ SERGE GAINSBOURG (’71, ’09 reissue, Historie de Melody Nelson)
Pink&Sour/ CALIFONE (’06, Roots & Crowns)
Crystalline (Omar Souleyman Version)/ BJORK AND THE OMAR SOULEYMAN GROUP (’11, single)*
Aynali Koruk/ FERYL ONEY (’06)
Lawl Qalandar Lal/ THE AAY JAYS (’11 collection,
Some Place/ NICK WATERHOUSE (’11, 7” single) [Pres]
Love Is Strange/ JOHNNY THUNDERS & PATTI PALLIDIN (’88, Copy Cats)
I Said No/ PAT CLAYTON (’56)
Seven Day Fool/ ETTA JAMES (’61)
Love Ain’t Nothing/ JOHNNY NASH (’64)
Misery/ BARNETT STRONG (’61)
Your Life is Gone/ REPARATA (’72, 09 collection, The Laurie Records Story, Vol. Three)
Don’t Underestimate Me/ THE
Loretta [Nervous Eaters]/ NEKO CASE w/ THE SADIES (’04, The Tigers Have Spoken)
Teardrops in My Pillow/ DUM DUM GIRLS (’11, Only in Dreams)*
Take It With You/ THE ETTES (’09, Do You Want Power)
Racehorse/ WILD FLAG (’11, self titled)*
Long Hard Book/ STEPHEN MALKMUS AND THE JICKS (‘11, Mirror Traffic)*
Dawned on Me/ WILCO (’11, The Whole Love)*
Twilight Distillery/ THE MINUS 5 (’06, The Epistle Dedicatory)
Chitlin’ Cookin’ time in
This Land is Your Land/ SHARON JONES & THE DAP-KINGS (’05, Naturally)
*new or recent release