Unfortunately, shortly after hearing of Alex Chilton's death, I also learned of the passing of BBC DJ, Charlie Gillet. Along with the legendary John Peel, Gillet wrote books on music, as well as becoming the premier radio messenger of "World" music to the greater Western masses (at least in the UK and Western Europe). As a student in London in 1984, he literally "schooled" me to the music of The Bhundu Boys, King Sunny Ade and many other global artists who were emerging at the time. He also put together terrific compilations that were sold, distributed. Mr. Gillet you will be missed.
I Can’t Rest/ FONTELLA BASS (’66)
I Take What I Want/ SAM & DAVE (’65)
Ride the Pony/ LEE DORSEY (’65, Ride Your Pony)
Willy Nilly/ RUFUS THOMAS (’65)
Automatic/ THE RED DEVILS (’92, King King)
10 AM Automatic/ THE BLACK KEYS (’04, Rubber Factory)
Nitroglycerine/ THE GORIES (’90, I Know You Fine, But How You Doin’?)+
Mystery Plane/ THE CRAMPS (’80, Songs the Lord Taught Us)+
Left of the Dial/ THE REPLACEMENTS (’85, Tim)+
+songs produced or assisted by Alex Chilton
All Quiet on the Eastern Front/ THE RAMONES (’81, Pleasant Dreams)
Living Well is the Best Revenge/ REM (’08, Accelerate)
Lady in the Front Row/ REDD KROSS (’93, Phaseshifter)
Bad Reputation/ JOAN JETT (’92, Bad Reputation)
Saying Goodbye/ THE MUFFS (’93, self titled)
Pleasure Seeker/ THE BOTSWANAS ('01, Fade and Your Gone)
Swing Set/ THE CUTTERS (’01, Sunday! Sunday! Sunday!)
Fire Engine/ 13 TH FLOOR ELEVATORS (’66, The Pyschedelic Sounds of)
Freed Pig/ SEBADOH (’91, III)
Ramblin’ Man/ HANK WILLIAMS (’53)
The Sounds Are Always Begging/ BONNIE ‘PRINCE’ BILLY & THE CAIRO GANG (The Wonder Show of the World)*
Under the Waves/ PSEUDOSIX (’07, self titled)
I Did My Part/ THE HELLCATS (’87, Hoodoo Train)
Bring Back the Past/ ROKY ERICKSON & OKKERVIL RIVER (’10, True Love Cast Out All Evil)*
Sharock No.1/ MIE NAKAO (’68, ’09 collection, Nippon Girls)
Leave My Kitten Alone/ LITTLE WILLIE JOHN (’56)
As Long as I Have You/ DETROIT COBRAS (’07, Tied & True)
Another Girl, Another Planet/ THE ONLY ONES (’78)
Unguarded Moment/ THE CHURCH (’81, Of Skins and Hearts)
Statues & Glue/ THE SUNSHINE FIX (’04, Green Imagination)
Gimme Gimme Good Lovin’/ CRAZY ELEPHANT ('68)
Whole Wide World/ WRECKLESS ERIC (’77)
The Good Girls/ AMY RIGBY (’96, Diary of a Mod Housewife)
Brown Paper Sack/ THE REIGNING SOUND (’02, Time Bomb High School)
TV Eye/ THE STOOGES (’70, Fun House)
Bombast/ THE FALL (’85, This Nation’s Saving Grace)
*new or recent release
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